316LSi Tig
TYPE: Austenitic Tig rod with excelent resistance against general corrosion.
APPLICATIONS: The alloy is widely used in the chemical and food-processing industries, as well as in shipbuilding and various types of architectural structure.
PROPERTIES: 316LSi offers good general corrosion resistance, particularly to corrosion in acid and chlorinated environments. The alloy has a low carbon content which makes it particularly recommended when there is a risk of intergranular corrosion. The higher silicon content improves the welding properties such as wetting and results in a bright seam.
Tigsuðuvír ryðfr 316LSi 2,0mm
Tigvír fyrir ryðfrítt
1 = 1 kg
5 kg í pakka
Þykkt: 2,0mm
Lengd: 1000mm
Suðustraumur: 70-110 amper
Til á lager
Vörunúmer: ce35020
Flokkar: Suðuvír, Tigsuðuvír
Merkimiðar: Suðuvír, Tigsuðuvír
Brand: Certilas
Vörumerki: Certilas