Skurðartraktor GCE


Skurðartraktor GCE proFIT SLM 230V

Vertu í sambandi við sölumenn okkar til að fá verð og nánari upplýsingar um vöruna og afhendingartíma.

GCE proFIT® SLM is a universal cutting machine with lightweight design mainly for oxy-fuel cutting applications up to 150 mm metal sheet thickness (up to 100 mm with two cutting torches). It is a rugged but precise portable machine which has many features and benefits. For example, it can be used for straight cuts guided by the rail, manually-guided shape cuts, circular cuts and Strip Cutting when using two torches. The cutting torch can be fixed in a vertical position or angled for bevel cutting of metal sheet edges. The machine is ideal for small workshops or as an additional tool to a gantry machine. It can be used indoor but also due to its flexibility it can be used outdoors on the construction sites.

Lightweight portable machine for one-hand manipulation
Easy installation and operation
Interlocking, 1,8 m long guide rail
All common fuel gases service
Nozzle mixing (IC 30° cone) cutting torches or BIR+, an injector cutting torch technology
Basic one-torch configuration can be extended for two-torch operation
Strip cutting and bevel cutting with two torches
The precise drive system is ensuring constant cutting speed
Exact adjustment of the torch position
High speed of motor drive enables the machine to be used also for plasma cutting

Equipment for one torch-cutting application
One nozzle mix cutting torch
Torch holder, torch bar, a stainless steel heat shield
Internal gas hoses, gas manifold with shut-off valves
Power cable 8m with plug DIN
Guide rail and cutting nozzle are not included, to be ordered and delivered separately.