Dedicated for professionals with hugh standards, the PROGYS 220E FV CEL offers a wide choice of cellulosic, rutile and basic electrodes.. It is also equipped with the TIG lift (DC) welding process, which provides the most beautifully finished welds on thin sheets from 1 to 5 mm. Powerful and robust, the PROGYS 220E FV CEL pushes the limits of welding
Rafsuðutæki PROGYS 220E FV CEL
Rafsuðuvél PROGYS 220E FV CEL
– án fylgihluta
– 230V / 16/32Amp / 10kW
TIG og MMA: 5-220 A
Nánari upplýsingar í skjali merkt VORUBLAD hér fyrir neðan.
Vörunúmer: gys014657
Flokkar: Pinnasuða, Pinnasuðuvélar, Rafsuða & Plasmi
Merkimiðar: Pinnasuða, Pinnasuðuvélar, Rafsuða & Plasmi
Brand: GYS France
Vörumerki: GYS France
Þyngd | 13,22 kg |
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