Long distances will no longer be a limitation. The battery is one of the most important elements of the electric bicycle, and that’s why we’ve integrated the lithium ION battery with Samsung cells to give you more range and a lighter bike. 840 Wh battery (48V and 17.5 Ah), with charger included and that in ecological mode will allow you to reach up to 160 km, you set the limits.
Rafhlaða f/Viena/Dakota 48V/17,5Ah
Auka rafhlaða í Viena og Dakota rafhjólin frá Urbanbiker.
– 48 V / 17,5 Ah
Lengri ending og léttari rafhlaða
Allt að 160 km drægni
Til á lager
Vörunúmer: ubbtridplus-4818c
Flokkar: Íhlutir fyrir hjól, Rafhjól
Merkimiðar: Íhlutir fyrir hjól, Rafhjól
Brand: Urbanbiker Bicicletas eléctric
Vörumerki: Urbanbiker Bicicletas eléctric