Universal rutile electrode, designed for welding in any position, including vertical down welding.
It is easy to ignite and offers an excellent weldbead aesthetics. It is recommended for general
construction of non-alloy and low alloy steel.
Metal constructions, Tanks, Pipework, Metalwork, Crafts
Easy ignition and re-ignition.
Good weldability in all positions.
Flat weld bead (slightly rounded) and easy cleanup.
Excellent weldbead aesthetics.
Pinnavír Rútíl 3,2×350 mm 50 stk.
Pinnavír fyrir suðu á Stáli
Rútíl hula
Þykkt: 3,2mm
Lengd: 350mm
Fjöldi pinna í pakka: 50stk
Þyngd: 1,5kg
Suðustraumur: 115 amper
Til á lager
Vörunúmer: gys084445
Flokkar: Pinnavír, Suðuvír
Merkimiðar: Pinnavír, Suðuvír
Brand: GYS France
Vörumerki: GYS France