CATEGORY: SMAW Stick Electrodes
TYPE: Ultra low hydrogen high basic offshore electrode for high strength fine grain steels.
APPLICATIONS: Designed for welding steels with high yield strength >690N/mm2 in offshore, crane building, heavy
transport, lifting etc.
PROPERTIES: Mn, Ni, Cr and Mo alloyed basic electrode for welding low alloyed steels with yield strength >690 N/mm2.
Crack resistant and well suited for low-temperatures, ductility down to -60°C. Preheating, interpass
temperature and post weld treatment as required for the base metal. Hydrogen content: < 3 ml / 100 g
weld metal. CEWELD E 11018-H is packed in the best in class multi layer vacuum pack to avoid costly and
time consuming redrying of the electrodes.
Pinnavír E 11018-H 2,5×350 mm CEWELD
Pinnavír fyrir suðu á Stáli
Basísk hula
Þykkt: 2,5mm
Lengd: 350mm
Fjöldi pinna í pakka: 33stk
Þyngd: 0,8kg
Suðustraumur: 70-90 amper
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