Meet the new Kovax ProMa-X Air 75! This new machine features an extremely durable construction and an ergonomic, compact design. This ensures that the sander is easy to use, making the ProMa-X Air 75 the perfect machine for working on edges in collision repair and refinishing.
Hjámiðjuslípivél PROMA-X 75mm
Til á lager
Vörunúmer: ko9100685
Flokkar: Bílavörur, Loftverkfæri, Mössunarvélar, Verkfæri og tæki
Merkimiðar: Bílavörur, Loftverkfæri, Mössunarvélar, Verkfæri og tæki
Brand: Kovax Europe BV
Vörumerki: Kovax Europe BV